Elette Fragments takes place shortly after the events of ~Elette~.
Elette Fragments is a story based beat em up game, a cross between interactive fiction and something Capcom would have released back in the day. You play as Benviolo, the axe wielding star of the play, as he solves the mystery of not just a missing jewel but missing colors in his home town of Lotte. It features a unique storytelling experience using the stage and Elette’s distinct hand drawn paper cut out style of art while not backing down on the actual beat em up style game play.
Why Fragments?
We expect Elette Fragments to tell many of the smaller stories from the characters in Elette. This means the game will be updated every so often with a new story/play and new features and mechanics to go along with it. For example, we currently have 1-2 small mini games during the acting scenes, and we do plan to expand on that, making the acting scenes not just the way you experience the story, but their own fun and engaging mechanics. We will also be adding new characters, items and powerups, and blocking/dashing to the combat engine.

Act 1
It begins with a glimpse of color…
When a strange trader comes to the drab land of Lotte, it isn’t long before the townsfolk find their day to day activities thrown upside down. With the slightest glimpse of a magnificent blue gem, the citizens of Lotte are thrown into a frenzy only to have the gem taken before their very eyes. Our heroes, Benviolo and Mathias Tillington II are paired with the eccentric trader as a deeper plot surrounding the loss of colors from the nation begins to take shape.

Act 2
A search for knowledge, gone wrong.
A musty journal, unfinished research, and a powerful artifact. In the chance to uncover the mysteries surrounding the loss of color from the Nation of Lotte, Juliet stumbles upon notes left by her late mother. All signs point to the mystical Monocle of Mortimer, a gift given to Hermielle, which legend states can control Spectra in untold ways. In what will become a quest that hits close to home, she must unite with an unlikely ally to uncover a hidden truth.

The Actors
Benviolo the Brave
Strong-minded and loyal, Benviolo is Mathias II’s life long friend. Known for his blunt attitude and wicked axe skills, he is not someone you’d want to cross. With a love for his home town as deep as his stubbornness, Benviolo is dedicated to proving that Hermielle is the root of all of Lotte’s issues.
Mathias Tillington II
Cautious yet daring, Mathias Tillington II is the noble son of the mayor of Kaepe, Mathias Tillington. Long-time friends of Benviolo and love interest of Juliet, Mathias finds himself split between families. Will he side with his friends and help restore color to Lotte, or will he side with his father, the hand of Hermielle.
Juliet the Judicious
Juliet has always been one with her nose in a book, whether science fiction or actual facts. Since her mother’s death, she has vowed to continue her research into the curiosities of Spectra and how to control it but has only reached dead-ends. When the mysterious gems begin to appear, it’s almost as if fate itself has intervened as real-life science becomes mixed with fantasy.
Lucille “Lou” Woma
Loud and luxorious. Lou Woma is a long time citizen of the Nation of Lotte. Known for her outbursts she has never been known to mince words. As the Trio delve deeper into the mysteries of the Nation, Lou becomes a character of interest as her past that she has tried to hide for so long begins to unveil itself.